Lifestyle tips

Suits for us reeeally fat guys

Hey-I need to get a suit made for my up coming wedding (wooohoooo!!!)but even the big and tall sites don't really have suits in my super fat size.
Has anyone had any luck with these over seas tailor sites? There are some local tailors here that can do bespoke suits but they will likely cost a $1000, where as these over seas ones offer some for $400 or so.

Anyone had a suit made like that? Any suggestions or recommendations at all would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks all!
12 years

Suits for us reeeally fat guys

I have only used one custom site for dress clothing before though I admit I've only used it for dress shirts as I rarely have need for a suit (and would keep outgrowing them without wearing them if I did get them).

However, I've really enjoyed this place. It'll cost you more than 400 but definitely not 1000. I believe their suits are cloer to 599 (and free shipping in that price range, no extra charges for big and tall, and I didn't get charged tax).

So you might want to look into them. They've treated me really well. Though you might want to get a local tailor to do the measurements for you.
12 years